

I've proposed through the years the term of 80 years to pay a mortgage. Las hipotecas hereditarias existen en varios paises.

This type of inherited mortgage carries a number of benefits; solve the housing crisis for young couples and recent graduates who often stay at home mother for lack of resources.

Would combat the renting economy by facilitating the acquisition of the property.

Would encourage insurance companies that would issue policies in cases of loss of income and / or employment.

Broaden the participation of lawyers, who would develop trust documents and contracts to ensure the inheritance of property and debts to the descendants.

Require banks and other lending institutions re-launched its portfolio of loans and reactivate its grant of loans to individuals. Reduce legal and illegal unemployment.

You can read my article MORTGAGES TO 80 YEARS TERM ? published by El Nuevo Herald on Feb 03, 2012 and posted in my blog ECONOMY RECOVERY