Technological advances are good but leave without jobs many people. Los avances tecnológicos son buenos pero aumentan el desempleo.
Without any doubt, technological advances have changed the world; however, they erased many previous jobs that supported our Economy.
In my article Technological Unemployment (desempleo tecnológico), published by El Nuevo Herald on February 08, 2011, and posted in my blog Economy Recovery, you'll see the most important jobs displaced by technology.
Evidentemente, tenemos que tomar medidas respecto a la tecnología. Si no lo hacemos, obviamente ella nos destruirá.....
The job creation in EE.UU. is well related to Chinese currency devaluation. Los empleos en USA y la moneda China estan correlacionados.
The increase in tariffs for manufactured goods in China is a good point to create jobs in EE.UU. The value of Chinese money is not real and of course, this is in favor of his exporting activities.
This very interesting article can be read at JOB CREATION AND DEVALUATION. It was published by EL NUEVO HERALD and posted in my blog ECONOMY RECOVERY.
What we can do to effectively create jobs ? ¿ Que podemos hacer para crear trabajos reales en EE.UU. ?
There are many things we can do to create job; however, some of them could be created to put cash in peoples' hands in order they can expend it in our Economy.
You can read my article HOW TO CREATE JOBS published by EL NUEVO HERALD on October 08, 2010 and posted in my blog ECONOMY RECOVERY.